Bible Adventures
Becky Popio is the Children’s Ministry Coordinator at Advent Lutheran Church. She has enjoyed this role at Advent since February of 2007. She has been involved in teaching Sunday school classes to the younger children for the past 28 years. Her role at Advent is to provide children of all ages the opportunity to learn of God’s love for them and the stories from the Bible. It gives her great joy to see the children not only grow in size but in their faith as well. She coordinates Vacation Bible School, Sunday school classes, Co-teaches the Preschool Sunday school class and is involved with the Confirmation and High School youth at Advent. Every year she also helps to organize events such as Santa Breakfast, Trunk or Treat and various youth group activities.

Becky is also involved in teaching a weekly “Bible Adventure” class to the Adventure Place children. This thirty minute class on Wednesday mornings brings everyone together to learn about a Bible story, sing songs (the “B-I-B-L-E” has become a class favorite), and do activities that tie into the lesson. It is so much fun to learn about God in such enjoyable ways!
Becky believes as Psalm 127:3 tells us, “Children are a gift from the Lord.” and she feels blessed to be able to work with such a great group of children!